Monday, November 22, 2010


I started this blog trying to find out if there were or are any decent PTCs. I have come to the conclusion that there aren't.
First I started with a wide berth, finding any and all PTCs that I could find.
Then, when I was taking way too much time out of my day to click ads for all of the sites, I started narrowing my search down with qualifiers.
Soon it was down to just NeoBux and a few other things. I dropped most of the other PTCs I was doing and focused on NeoBux. NeoBux has proven to be... not worth it. A steady slope downwards is what you'll find if you look at the number of clicks per referral for 3 rents each time.

So to answer my starting question, "Which PTCs Work?", None of them do. Oh sure, you can make some pittance off of them, but nothing all that great. The only way to make a decent amount of money with them would be to get lots of direct referrals, but who wants to put the duty of clicking for no reason on someone else? I certainly don't.

So, I'm sticking with Gomez, which has proven to be pretty reliable, and Swagbucks, which has one annoying feature of having to log in a shitload of times, but is otherwise alright.

Consider this blog done, unless I find a reason to revive it.