Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Round 2: (#7) Requested cashout from DollarClickorSignup $3.386


DollarClickorSignup: Received payments on the same day

#6 or 5 or 4 ($1), and #6 or 5 or 4, and #3 ($1.12), and #2 ($1.56).
To be verified: #6 or 5 or 4. I have one more $1 coming to me.
As per the amounts... I'm going to cashout different amounts from
now on to make tracking easier.

Sign up link for DollarClickorSignup

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Been busy and a tad hopeless...

Then I realized that I haven't clicked in NeoBux for 
2 days and remembered PTCs. I'd been investigating 
the ideology of Objectivism, having read Atlas Shrugged.

On a different note, I was surprised that the drop was only 
for two days. I'd been studying Ayn Rand for almost a week.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gomez Peer 1st payment: $6.39

Gomez Peer - get paid for having an internet connection

Monday, November 16, 2009

(#6) Requested cashout from DollarClickorSignup



... I probably should have done differing cash amounts to better determined which one came at which time...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

(#3) Requested cashout from DollarClickorSignup


About half from my clicks, half from referral.
Requested 11-12; will receive on 11-18?

Sign up for DollarClickorSignup

from http://www.dollarclickorsignup.com/members/terms.php under "Payment":
"Payments are currently sent out daily. However, starting April 11, 2009 payments will begin to be sent out weekly. Payment terms are subject to change with a 2 week written notification to all members. "

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

(#2) Requested cashout on DollarClickOrSignup


$1.12 from referral p-------2.

starting from page 5 of $0.755
11-3: $0.265 my clicks
11-4: $0.205
11-4: request of $1.1850 ($1.90)
11-4: referred p-------2. Credit of $0.01

11-7: $0.566 referral clicks
11-8: $0.02 referral clicks
11-9: $0.345 referral clicks
11-10: $0.421 referral clicks
$0.43 my clicks
11-10: Withdraw of 1.5630 (request, probably will go through on 11-6[typo]11-16?)

Niiiice! When I get 3 cashouts, I'm going to put DollarClickOrSignup as #2. When I get a feel for the regularity of the payout, I'll put it as #1.

$1.19 from DollarClickOrSignUp

Wow. I wasn't expecting that.

(Requested the 4th
Received the 10th
6 days)

Sign up for DollarClickorSignup

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Requested cashout on DollarClickOrSignup


sign up link: DollarClickOrSignup

PaidToPromote = PaidToRedirect

In visiting subhacker to see whether there were any new mylots posts on his page, I found myself redirected to another page. Thinking of my own blog, I immediately suspected PaidToPromote. And there it was, at the bottom of his page.

I had wondered what PaidToPromote was going to do to get traffic to other sites. This, then, appears to be the explanation. On whatever page you have the code, that page will redirect onto some advertising site. This is similar to what the intermission type ad of LinkBucks does, except that instead of just being annoyed of having to wait a few extra seconds to get to the content you wanted to get to, there is no "back" button.

I have gotten rid of the google and bidvertiser ads on my blog, mostly because I did not want to promote what I thought of as garbage (scams). I thought that PaidToPromote would take a similar route, perhaps giving out better sites actually worth checking out. Since this is not the case, but worse, I can not recommend PaidToPromote. Instead, I advise avoiding it, and especially not putting it on your site.
If you see a 'http://www.777seo.com/seo.php?', it's probably a PaidToPromote redirect.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Paid by a hippy? :-P

I've noticed this before, and it's happened again. The pending prepament is a tad off!

This isn't anything to be alarmed about. It looks like the guy just has a... unique way... of going about setting the payment up. Which I find really amusing. ;-)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

PaidToPromote causes redirect

Using iframes... I lost the text when I was trying to put it here.

ClicksVista $19.80 payment