Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Decent PTC? review: ClixSense (ongoing / semi-decent)

Number of ads: 3-15 (varies) (without the upgrade)
Pay per ad: $0.01 to $0.02
Cashout: $10

$10 / (3*$0.01) or (15 * $0.02) = 333 days or 30 days.

This will be investigated further.


"4-5" (india), "20" (upgraded), "2-4" (india)

"lots of ads after premium, and then 1-5", "2"

Will track number of ads daily to find overall average:
3-2-10: "5 clix found" "Only displaying listings matching your profile settings." (I have everything checked)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Decent PTC? review: OleBux (not decent)

Number of ads: 6
Pay per ad: 6 ($0.005) = $0.03
Cashout: $2 or 50 clicks

$2 / $0.03 = 67 days.

Decent PTC? review: SkyperPTC (not decent)

Number of ads: 5
Pay per ad: 2 ($0.001), 3 ($0.0005) = $0.0035
Cashout: $1

$1 / $0.0035 = 285 days

Decent PTC? review: AdPTC (not decent)

Number of ads: 10
Pay per ad: 10 ($0.002) = $0.02
Cashout: (from PTC-Invt) $1

$1 / $0.02 = 50 days

Decent PTC? review: EarnEasyCash (decent)

Number of ads: 84
Pay per ad: bulk of 3; ($0.002), ($0.0353), ($0.025) = $0.038
Cashout: $0.90

$0.90 / $0.038 = 23.5 days.

Decent PTC? review: ClickOrSignup (unknown)

Number of ads: ?
Pay per ad: $0.02+
Cashout: $1

The daily clicks sometimes are not there.

Decent PTC? review: PTCInnovation (not decent)

Number of ads: 20
Pay per ad: 4 ($0.002), 8 ($0.0015), 8 ($0.001) = $0.028
Cashout: $2

$2 / $0.028 = 71 days.

Decent PTC? review: MagicalClix (not decent)

Number of ads: 39
Pay per ad: 4 ($0.007), 4 ($0.0035), 4 ($0.0025), 24 ($0.0015), 1 ($0.0014), 2 ($0.0001) = $0.0666
Cashout: (from PTC-Investigations) $10

$10 / $0.0666 = 150 days.
Also, to get cashout, becoming a
premium member is required.

Decent PTC? review: Indoclix (decent)

Number of ads: 38
Pay per ad: 1 ($0.001), 37 ($0.0005) = $0.0195
Cashout: $0.10

$0.10 / $0.0195 = 5 days.
Looks good!

Decent PTC? review: DealBarbiePays (not decent)

Number of ads: 4
Pay per ad: 1 ($0.01), 1 ($0.0025), 2 ($.0015) = $0.014
Cashout: $10

$10 / $0.014 = 714 days.

Decent PTC? review: HalfPennyClicks (semi-decent)

Number of ads: 7,
Pay per ad: 7 ($0.025), 4 (paid to read $0.025) = $0.0275
Cashout: $1

$1 / $0.0275 = 36 days

Off by 6 days. This one's sort of a toss-up to me,
since I do like it; though I didn't like it when the
pay was decreased from half a penny to half of
a half of a penny.

Decent PTC? review: Neobux (not decent)

Number of ads: 4
Pay per: $0.01
Cashout: $2, 3, 4... 10

$2 / $0.04 = 50 days
One of the better ones, but still
no enchilada. It's not "decent" in
the sense that I'm using the word...
still one of my favs though.
Instand payout, popularity, and
all that jazz. But no, it's not decent,

Decent PTC? review: CashSwing (decent)

Number of ads: 113
Pay per ad: 5 ($0.001), 2 (paid to read ad $0.0025), 5 ($0.0075), 1 ($0.005), 112 ($0.00025) = $0.0805
Cashout: $1

$1 / $0.0805 = 12.5 days

Although, there's that little catch of 112 ads at $0.00025.
However, since they're all concentrated at one spot, and
since we might end up clicking at a lot of ads at other
places.... I'm considering it!

Hm... without those 112, it is....?
Pay per ad: 5 ($0.001), 2 (paid to read ad $0.0025), 5 ($0.0075), 1 ($0.005) = $0.0525
$1 / $0.0525 = 19 days
Not bad!

Decent PTC? review: incentria (not decent)

Number of ads: 15
Pay per ad: $0.001
Cashout: $1

$1 / $0.015 = 67 days.
If you had a friend or two to
join you, this would probably be
a decent PTC. However, the focus of
these reviews is to have referrals
be unnecessary.