Thursday, September 27, 2018

Which PTCs Work? None Of Them.


As you can see, it's 6 years later, and I haven't written a post here in all of that time.

I'm planning on changing the title of this blog or something like that, because my overall conclusion is:
There are no decent PTCs for making an online income.
Not even combined.

Swagbucks sucks, GomezPeer is going out of business this October, and I rather doubt that JillsClicksCorner is anything great anymore.

I've been looking at various different social networks that include tipping - "micro-payments", as a source of income, like and

Why have I come back here if I think no PTCs make for a decent online income?

Because Yours has developed a Money Button, and you can't test that anywhere but on a website.

So I want to try and use it here:

Alright. I don't know if that worked, so I'll click publish and give it a look.
Wow so it's completely invisible text-wise when you're writing it. Interesting.

So this is the post to announce that I'm closing Which PTCs Work as the name and URL, and going to be changing the web address to something else that better fits the general direction I've gone in.

I don't want to be using google ads. I'm taking those off.

I want to be using peer-to-peer ads and direct advertising.

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