Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to approach a PTC site, whether new or old

First and foremost,

#1. Go to PTC-Investigations and type the PTC site in the search bar. If it shows up, you'll know it's stats. These are the possibilities: Scam, Legit, Watchlist. Obviously, if it's on the scam list, don't bother. If it's on the Watchlist, bother only if you really like it. And, of course, if it's on the legit list, use it if you want. However, be aware that PTC sites can, at pretty much any time, turn scam.

#2. Google [site name] + scam. For, that would be " scam". And yes, for those who are really behind the loop regarding PTC sites, is a scam.

#3. After you've done this, and perhaps either the site is not listed on PTC-Investinations, or there is little-to-nothing from the google search,
3a. If there is an advertisement section (i.e. you being the advertiser, not the one looking at the ads), see how much you would have to spend to put ads out. As a quick example,
if the ads on the page are going at $0.01, and you can advertise your link at 1,000 impression for just $3, how will those who are clicking on the ads be paid? After all, if you take 300 cent (turning the $3 into cents because each ad is worth 1 cent) and divide it by 1,000 (because each impression is worth 1 cent to the ad viewer), you get .3.

What does this mean? It means that the ratio of fair game of 1/1 is off. Each person clicking on the $0.01 ad, expecting to get 1 cent, is really getting $0.003. This is dishonest.

3b. Look at how much you'd get per click. If it's less than .5 cents, it's just not worth it.

Monday, July 27, 2009

PtcBux: $0.50 to $0.75?

I just got to 50 cents in my earnings (51 cents, really) on PtcBux, and, checking the cashout, to.... cashout, I found that the minimum was now $0.75, not $0.50. That seems rather scammy...

Friday, July 24, 2009

NeoBux - Rented Referrals, PTCInvestigator

Rented 3 referrals today for $0.75. (A note about the transfer: you have to transfer 10 cents at a time, meaning that occasionally you'll have what apparently is a useless balance of $0.05.
Membership Since: 2009/07/07 Type:Standard
Referrals Rented:3
Advertisement Clicks Yours:82 Referrals:0
Account Main Balance:$0.040 Renting Balance:$0.050 Direct Purchases:$0.800

Referral stats (quite understandably, at zero):
ReferralReferral sinceNext PaymentLast clickClicksAvg.
1R7972674 Today 19:29 30 days and 23:55 No clicks yet 0 -.---
2R6475748 Today 19:29 30 days and 23:55 No clicks yet 0 -.---
3R4456082 Today 19:29 30 days and 23:55 No clicks yet 0 -.---

Why the R and the numbers? "Some usernames may be masked like R1245678 if the referral has selected not to show his/her username.
By default, rented referrals have their usernames HIDDEN."

Combining PTC Investigator, along with other some other sites and blogs, I have come up with a list of first-to click sites that I will start attending to:
-WordLinx *-NeoBux -LinkGrand *-fusioncash *-hits4pay -croc-cash -deals-n-cash *-easyhits4u -Fairy Bux *-AdPaid -AmirBux -TheClickers

Those with the * are pretty much garanteed to pay you (as per PTC Investigations: ).

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Got the level-up: 70Cents

I got it a few hours ago. It doesn't seem to be doing anything. Seems like Ponzi.

70Cents replies

lol "Re: [!! SPAM] how to pay with paypal" It got marked as possible spam, or as spam XD
Since it's impossible for us to receive PayPal payments automatically, we receive and approve them manually.
You have to send a necessary amount of money to
This is must be personal payment for a gift (you can choose this option at the payment page).

After completing the payment, contact us again, tell us your username, PayPal transaction number, and what you paid for (balance deposit, advertising, gifts, Premium Membership).
Your payment will be approved within 24 hours."
Seems like it would be pretty easy to be scammed with this. But, heck, let's give it a try. I'm itching to spend money on a ptc to play with it.
Paypal message:
Subject: "You've got money! 70Cents towards level 1 matrix - shyguy76767"
Message: "Payment regarding 70Cents and paying via paypal, email from Giving/paying 70 cents to purchase the 1st lvl matrix.
username: shyguy76767"
Now to email.
"Username: shyguy76767

Paypal Transaction ID: -----------------------------

Paid for: 1st matrix level ($0.70)"

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Yay! TuiBux!

I finally got through! I had to send two activation links though. One for my activation email and another for my password.

Google Excel Sheet

I have been wanting to Excel this stuff for a while. Finally found that I could do it on Google docs. I will put occasional reports here.

70Cents - asked how to pay with paypal

I don't think I'll get the money back, but I'm curious as to what will happen. Emailed the site about how to pay by paypal.

random PTC stuff...

Bux007 - 15 ads per day
$10 cashout, 15 ads per day, 66 days
66 - 4 = 62 days

Before: $0.276
After: $0.3586
$10 cashout, $0.0826 per day,
125 - 4 = 121 days left

StablePTC (7 ads if they don't mess up)
Before: $0.02
After: $0.055
$1 cashout, 2.5 cents per day,
40 - 1 = 39 days

BigKahunaClicks (2 ads)
Before: $0.003
After: $0.004
$0.04 cashout, .04 per day?,
100 days

Incentria (12 ads)
Before: $0.025
After: $0.038
$2 cashout, 1.3 cents per day, 153 days
153 - 2 = 151 days

BuxDollar (5 ads)
Before: $0.05
After: $0.075
$1 cashout, 2.5 cents per day, 40 days
40 - 3 = 37 days

New PTCs, some of which annoy me

Before: $0.00
After: $0.004
Really annoying anti-check program.
$0.02 cashout, .4 cents per day, 5 days to cashout... sure. 5 more days.

DJ-Clix (dropped)
, given the Platinum "BeenPaid" Stamp:
20+ clicks a day
Before: $0.00
After: $0.0017
$0.20 cashout, $2.00 / $0.017 = 117 days

EarnEasyCash (meh)
12 clicks, 1.2 cents
Before: $0.07190
After: $0.08390
$1.00 cashout, 100 / 1.2 = 83 days (also occasional emails)

DreamMails (though the ads are fast... dropped)
Before: $0.00
After: $0.003
$1.00 cashout, 100 / .3 = 333 days

FastCashPTR (meh)
Before: $0.32
After: $0.362
$3.00 cashout, 4 cents per day, 75 days

Before: $1.00
After: $1.09
$5 cashout, 9 cents per day, 55 days

MassivePTR (keep as email?)
Before: $705
After: $720
$5000 cashout, $50, 7.05, 7.20, 318 days

Bank Roll Bucks (decent)
Before: $0.00
After: $0.05
$5 cashout, 5 cents per day, 100 days

RevBux (10 ads, meh)
Before: $0.00
After: $0.03
$5 cashout, 3 cents per day, 166 days

Palmbux is down?

Big Beach Bucks (10 ads)
Before: $2.00
After: $2.081
$10 cashout, 9 cents per day, 111-125 days

Cash Mattress (dropped)
Before: $3.00
After: $
$15 cashout,

sunnysidecash (6 ads)
Before: $5.00
After: $5.06
$20 cashout, 6 cents per day, 333 days

Monday, July 20, 2009

I need to revamp

Since I've been collecting so many PTC sites (from the PTC ads) that I've having a hard time keeping up with them (literally taking an entire day of clicking to almost keep up, which has gone to being quite behind), I'm going to search for confirmed and suspected scam sites to save myself some time. The confirmed scam ones will be put in the Scam PTC list, and the unconfirmed ones, the backburner. - SCAM
I myself had invested $200 or so in it, and have not been paid the pending $555 for over a year. I was looking at one of the ad links from the "1 Dollar PTC" which had a LOT of clicks to do (420), and saw this site. Upon being frustrated with how many PTCs I now have, I went and checked a few. Then I saw "Headlines Today" with the background and "X Confirmed: Scam!"

So... further down the list, going from small payout to large payout.

Joy-Click - ?
Nothing showed on PTC Investigations.
First page Google search...
oindy54 (158) ranked 3,409 out of 25,376 in make extra money 2 weeks ago

I have received 3 payments from them.No hassles.I would suggest that you stick to joy-click. After struggling to reach payout in so many ptc sites,I am now in a position to tell you that joy-click is one of the best ptc sites out there.In fact I'm cashing out everyday!

I checked my Joy-Click and saw that apparently I'd been paid -- no pending. And, huh, two payments. Geez. Was it Joy-Click or PTCbux that didn't pay me? Or did I mix it up?
Checking my paypal... something's wrong. The payments aren't showing up. ... ???
.... ohhhhhhhh. Wrong email address on the paypal? But then, I put it as that same one for PTCbux and that one didn't have trouble transferring. Hm. Well, I'll send Joy-Click a message, then.

Subject: "Didn't get the money"
Your message: "Hello. I have made two consecutive withdrawls from Joy-Clicks, each at $0.02, and neither of them are showing up in my paypal. Do you know what could be going wrong?"

bigkahunaclicks - probably fine
PTC Investigations showed nothing
Google search showed nothing negative, and some positive.

PTCbux - probably fine
Nothing from PTC Investigations
Google serach nothing negative some positive.

Papillion-Clicks - shrug: get a payout and find out
Nothing PTCI
Google nothing neg few pos.

Stable PTC - shrug: keep using it, get a payout, find out
Google search:
#1 - neg
#2 - blunt claim, neg
#1 - neutral (claim of unsustainability; someone says they were paid)

Incentria - probably legit; would not recommend for somebody not into PTCs (100 days = $1 = cashout; 3 cashouts per year, $3 per year [when clicking only by self without downline]) - backburner
PCTI - Watch list - Association with Scam sites (would not recommend investing money)
Google search:
#2 neut. (about moving servers):
#1 neut. (long time to make money)/pos.:

buxdollar - meh - backburner
Didn't find much on it. Putting it on the backburner - 200 days for $1 cashout. Meh. Meh meh meh.

mom-n-popsptc - not sure - if the 2 cent link goes away, backburner

Going through the sites I have that match up (I will delete these (i.e. drop) upon seeing the ptcbux one, they'll be on the backburner, instead):
ptcbux???! (but I've been paid by them! Well, I've been warned, and I'm keeping them... till they stop paying me)
1DollarPTC (well, I guess that saves me about 420 clicks a day!)
waoIndia (What a surprise.)

... time to revamp...

Click cashout Round 2

Cutebux - 4 clicks
Before clicks: $0.12 (12 clicks)
After clicks: $0.16 (16 clicks)
$2 cashout, 4 cents per day, 200/4 - 16 = 34 days left
[moved to $2 cashout]

GammaBux - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $0.075 (10 clicks)
After clicks: $0.113
45 click cashout, 8 clicks per day, 1000/8 - 15 clicks = 12 days left

Enrich PTC - 11 clicks
Before clicks: $13.00
After clicks: $31.00
$25.00 cashout, 18 cents per day, 25/.18 - 1 = 137 days left
[moved to >$10 cashout]

ScopeBux - 3 clicks
Before clicks: $0.00
After clicks: $0.
15 click cashout, 3 clicks per day, 15 - 3 = 12 days left

MineBUX - 4 clicks
Before clicks: $0.00
After clicks: $0.05
150 ($1.50?) click cashout, 4 clicks per day, 150/4 - 4 = 34 days left

Rastabux - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $0.00
After clicks: $0.05
12 click cashout, 5 clicks per day, 12/5 - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2 days left

>$10 Round 1

AdverCash - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $0.012
After clicks: $0.021
$12.50 cashout, .9 cents per day, 1250/.9 - 2 = 1387 days left

PTC Wallet - 8 clicks
Before clicks: $1.60
After clicks: $2.40
$"10" cashout, "8" cents per day, 1000/8 - 3 = 122 days left

1 Dollar PTC - 420 clicks
Before clicks: $55.08
After clicks: $429.16
$5000 cashout, ? cents per day, ?/? - 3 = will finish later (410 * 25 seconds = over 2 hours)

britebux - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $8.75
After clicks: $15.00
$"12.50" cashout, "6.25" cents per day, 1250/6 - 3 = 197 days left

cashmailz - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $1800
After clicks: $2050
5 (@$0.50)
"$1.90" cashout, "2.5" cents per day, 1.9/.025 = 76 days left

Share The Bux - 33 clicks
Before clicks: $0.00
After clicks: $0.68
$20 cashout, 68 cents per day, 20/.68 - 1 = 28 days left

$10 Round 2

RowBux - 9 clicks
Before clicks: $0.1934
After clicks: $0.276
$10 cashout, 8 cents per day, 1000/8 - 3 = 122 days left

Bux007 - 13 clicks
Before clicks: $0.57
After clicks: $0.70
$10 cashout, 13 cents per day, 1000/13 - 5 = 328 days left

10Bux - ads haven't refreshed yet
tempscript - ads haven't refreshed yet

wordlinx - 1 click
Before clicks: $0.045
After clicks: $0.05
$10 cashout, ... email/ptc...

goobux - 7 clicks
Before clicks: $0.00
After clicks: $0.03
$10 cashout, 3 cents per day, 1000/3 - 1 = 332 days left

$9 Round 2 - 5 click
Before clicks: $0.13
After clicks: $0.18
$9 cashout, 5 cents per day, 900/5 - 18 = 180 days left

$5 Round 2

CenterBux - ads haven't refreshed yet

QualityBux - 9 click
Before clicks: $0.37
After clicks: $0.46
$5 cashout, 9 cents per day, 500/9 - 7 = 49 days left

Platine-Bux - 5 click at .5 cents
Before clicks: $0.07
After clicks: $0.09
$5 cashout, 2 cent per day, 500/2 - 4 = 246 days left

LinkGrand - 10 click
Before clicks: $0.09
After clicks: $0.12
$5 cashout, 3 cents per day, 500/3 - 12 = 155 days left

ClickiPink - 3 click
Before clicks: $0.00
After clicks: $0.015
$5 cashout, 1.5 cent per day, 500 - 1 = 499 days left

UltimateClix - 1 click
Before clicks: $0.01
After clicks: $0.02
$5 cashout, 1 cent per day, 500 - 2 = 498 days left

$3 Round 2

CenterBux - 1 click
Before clicks: $0.06
After clicks: $0.07
$3 cashout, 1 cent per day, 300 - 7 = 294 days left

Infinite Bux


VelvetClix - 1 clicks
Before clicks: $0.011
After clicks: $0.012
$3 cashout, 1 cent per day, 300 - 12 = 288 days left

$2 Round 2

Jaysu - 4 clicks
Before clicks: $0.12
After clicks: $0.16
$2 cashout, 4 cents per day, 200/4 - 16/4 = 44 days left

neobux - 6 clicks
$2 cashout, 4 cents per day, 200/4 - 66/4 = 50 - 14 = 36 days left

BuxWiz - ads haven't refreshed

BuxTheory - ads haven't refreshed

IncreaseBux - ads haven't refreshed

beachbux - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $0.05
After clicks: $0.10
$2 cashout, 5 cents per day, 200/5 - 2 = 38 days left

palmbux - website not working

buxyou - 4 clicks
Before clicks: $0.12
After clicks: $0.16
$2 cashout, 4 cents per day, 200/4 - 4 = 46 days left

MICpromotions - ads haven't refreshed

[long] WishingWellPTC - 26 clicks
Before clicks: $0.00
After clicks: $0.0136
$2 cashout, 1.36 cents per day, 200 - 1 = 199 days left

$1 Round 2

StablePtc - weird ads?

Incentria - 8 clicks
Before clicks: $0.015
After clicks: $0.025
$1 cashout, 1 cent per day, 100 - 2 = 98 days left

buxdollar - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $0.025
After clicks: $0.05
$1 cashout, 2.5 cents per day, 100 - 2 = 98 days left

[long] SurfingThisPTC - 72 (says 65) clicks
Before clicks: $0.00
After clicks: $0.024
$1 cashout, 2.4 cents per day, 42 days - 1 day = 41 days left

<$1 Round 2

Joy-Click - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $0.057
After clicks: $0.068
$0.02 cashout, 1.1 cents per day, = 0 days left (waiting for $0.02 payment)

BigKahunaClicks - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $0.0025
After clicks: $0.003
$0.04 cashout, .5 cents per day, 2 days left?

PtcBux - 3 clicks
Before clicks: $0.22
After clicks: $0.25
$0.04 cashout, 3 cents per day, 0 days left (waiting for Joy-Clicks to cashout to avoid confusion)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Recap (including the new ones); <$1-$3


DonkeyMails - 28 clicks - 7-19-09
Before clicks: $0.0435
After clicks: $0.0487
.01 cents per click. I get more per email. 100 clicks would = 1 cent. 1 email = 1 cent. This is now a PTR. [dropped/PTR]
StablePTC - weird links
incentria - 13 clicks - 7-19-09
Before clicks: $0.000
After clicks: $0.015
buxdollar - 1 click - 7-19-09
Before: $0.02
After: $0.025
100 cent cashout, 100*2 = 200 days, 200 - 2.5 = 197.5 days left
Clicksia - 11 clicks - 7-19-09
Before: $0
After: $0.014
100 cent cashout, 100*10 = 1000, 1000 days - 1 day = 999 days left

Jaysu - ads haven't refreshed yet
NeoBux - 2 clicks (extra ad) - 7-19-09
Before: $0.575
After: $0.59
200 cent cashout, 200/4 = 50, 50 - (59/4 = 14) = 36 days left
BuxWiz - ads haven't refreshed
BuxTheory - 8 clicks - 7-19-09
Before: $0.04
After: $0.08
200 cent cashout, 200*2 = 400, 400 - 8 = 392 days left
IncreaseBux - 5 clicks - 7-19-09
Before: $0.025
After: $0.05
200 cent cashout, 200*2 = 400, 400 - 5 = 395 days left
beachbux - ads haven't refreshed yet
palmbux - webpage not working
buxyou - ads haven't refreshed yet
MICpromotion - 65 (one visit errored) clicks - 7-19-09
Before: $0.00
After: $0.11
200 cent cashout, 2 cents per click, 1 cent if errored, 100 - 11/2 = 95 days left

CenterBux - 1 click - 7-19-09
Before: $0.05
After: $0.06
300 cent cashout, 300 - 6 = 294 days left
InfiniteBux - 11 clicks - 7-19-09
Before: $0.065
After: $0.12
300 cent cashout, 300*2 = 600, 600 - 12 = 588 days left
MillionaireBux - 2 clicks - 7-19-09
Before: $0.03
After: $0.05
300 cent cashout, 300 - 5 = 295 days left
VelvetClix - 11 clicks (will equal 1.01 cents) - 7-19-09
Before: $0.00
After: $0.011
300 cent cashout, 300 - 1 = 299 days left

... I've finished up to the $3 ones. Going to bed.

Click cashout Round 1

CuteBux - 6 clicks
Before clicks: $0.08
After clicks: $0.12
15 clicks cashout, 4 clicks per day, 4 days, minus 3 days = 1 day left

GammaBux - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $0.038 (4 clicks)
After clicks: $0.075 (9 clicks)
The ads are very touchy.
45 clicks cashout, 5 clicks per day, 9 days, minus 1 day = 8 days left

$10 Round 1

RowBux - 6 clicks
Before clicks: $0.1388
After clicks: $0.1934
1000 cent cashout, 5.46 cents per day, 183 days, minus 3 days = 180 days left

Bux007 - 13 clicks
Before clicks: $0.44
After clicks: $0.57
1000 cent cashout, 13 cents per day, 77 days, minus 4 day = 73 days left

10Bux - 16 clicks
Before clicks: $0.33
After clicks: $0.49
The ads are very touchy.
1000 cent cashout, 16 cents per day, 63 days, minus 3 days = 60 days left

Tempscript - 3 clicks
Before clicks: $0.045
After clicks: $0.0575
1000 cent cashout, 1.25 cents per day, 800 days, minus 4 days = 796 days left

WordLinx - 6 clicks
Before clicks: $0.01
After clicks: $0.05
1000 cent cashout, 4 cents per day, 250 days, minus 1 day = 249 days left

$9 Round 1 - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $0.08
After clicks: $0.13
500 cent cashout, 5 cents per day, 100 days, minus 2 days = 98 days left

$5 Round 1

B-U-X - 16 clicks
Before clicks: $0.21
After clicks: $0.37
300 cent cashout, 16 cents per day, 19 days, minus 2 days = 17 days left

QualityBux - 9 clicks
Before clicks: $0.28
After clicks: $0.37
500 cent cashout, 9 cents per day, 56 days, minus 4 days = 52 days left
("Cashout will be open in full July 18th" Dude, it's the 19th now.)

Platine-Bux - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $0.045
After clicks: $0.07
500 cent cashout, 2.5 cents per day, 200 days, minus 2 day = 198 days left

LinkGrand - waiting another day to see if there are more total ads.

$3 Round 1

CenterBux - 1 clicks
Before clicks: $0.04
After clicks: $0.05
300 cent cashout, 1 cents per day, 300 days, minus 300-5 = 295 days left

InfiniteBux - 10 clicks
Before clicks: $0.015
After clicks: $0.065
300 cent cashout, 5 cents per day, 60 days, minus 6 days = 294 days left

YooClicks - 12 ($0.0005) click
Before clicks: $0.0000
After clicks: $0.0060
300 cent cashout, Avg 12 ($0.0005) = .006, .6 cents per day, 500 days, ... [backburner]

MillionareBux - 3 clicks
Before clicks: $0.00
After clicks: $0.03
300 cent cashout, 3 cents per day, 100 days, minus 1 day = 99 days left

$2 Round 1

Jaysu - 4 clicks
Before clicks: $0.08
After clicks: $0.12
200 cent cashout, 4 cents per day, 50 days, minus 12/4 days = 47 days left

neobux - 4 clicks
Before clicks: $0.535
After clicks: $0.575
200 cent cashout, 4 cents per day (50 days), minus 57.5/4 days = 50 - 14 = 36 days left

BuxWiz - 4 clicks
Before clicks: $0.08
After clicks: $0.12
200 cent cashout, 4 cents per day (50 days), minus 12/4 days = 50 - 3 = 47 days left

BuxTheory - 8 clicks
Before clicks: $0.00
After clicks: $0.04
200 cent cashout, 4 cents per day (50 days), minus 12/4 days = 50 - 1 day = 49 days left

IncreaseBux - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $0.00
After clicks: $0.025
200 cent cashout, 2.5 cents per day (80 days), minus 1 day = 80 - 1 = 79 days left

Beach Bux - 5 clicks
Before clicks: $0.00
After clicks: $0.05
200 cent cashout, 5 cents per day (40 days), minus 1 day = 80 - 1 = 39 days left