Saturday, October 31, 2009

UpBux: promising site (first impression)

Hearing about UpBux from a mylot post today, I checked PTC-Investigations to see what I might find. "Legit", is what I found. Additionally, when I was looking at IMRC, people were talking about UpBux there, too. As has been said in other places (PTC-I, mylot, and IMRC), UpBux has a simple but familiar format; nothin' special. It looks like "just another PTC", except in the "hmm that might be legit" sense, in the same (but opposite) way that paid2youtube has a mark against it by using the same format as

What I find striking about the site is that it has a gambling area. This area has games that are exactly like that of moola's, but on a PTC: Hi-Low, Heads or Tails, and Blackjack.

So far, looks good. ... let's give it a few months though.

This Blog redirecting to other sites

I've been noticing that my blog is redirecting to other sites... ad sites. I'm not sure if it's only been happening to me, or if it's been happening to others who visit this blog. Could anyone inform me? It's just as annoying as when the paidtoclick ads were doing it, and I've resorted to the same tactic - pressing Esc to stop the page redirecting/loading. But, this is no way for a blog to run.

QuidsCorner $18.92 payment

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 payment history

I was paid again today. I missed posting one payment proof before this one (or perhaps more, I don't recall exactly). I don't feel like doing more of them for, and since, additionally, I feel that it has proven itself, I will instead post occasional summaries.

(the following has been edited to fit within this blog format)

Withdraw History
Request DateDate Paid
Oct 27, 2009Oct 27, 2009
Oct 22, 2009Oct 22, 2009
Oct 22, 2009Oct 19, 2009
Oct 13, 2009Oct 13, 2009$0.27
Oct 13, 2009Sep 28, 2009
Oct 22, 2009Sep 22, 2009
Oct 27, 2009Sep 17, 2009
Sep 09, 2009Sep 09, 2009
Sep 09, 2009Sep 03, 2009
Aug 31, 2009Aug 31, 2009
Oct 13, 2009Aug 28, 2009
Aug 26, 2009Aug 26, 2009

Method: (always) Paypal
Fee: (always) $0.00

Total: $1.18

Thursday, October 22, 2009

NeoBux: For the Future?

NeoBux has taken a turn that may mean more profit in the future, or the start of a downfall. At around the 20/21, the admin of NeoBux announced the starting of some phases. On the 21st, many NeoBuxers were presented with a choice (something like the below):
1. YES - I want to move ahead with the future, paying the fee ($0.02 per referral for some, $0.05 for others, and some more varying amounts)
2. NO - I want to keep the system as it is (and face potential penalties?).

There was a warning that the choice was permanent, so to choose carefully.

There was an uproar about this. The thing most asked for was, basically, "more details, please!" We knew the cost of saying YES -- letting referrals die would cost at least $0.02 per referral. As many commented, it seemed to leave many in a deadlock. I myself had and have been concentrating on making my NeoBux account stable. I was renting a lot more than I had before, and they just weren't performing. I suspect that this measure is being put in to decrease the amount of renting going on, "abusing" the system.

The admin remarked about the responses to his post, along with the result (93% said YES, 7% NO, and about 50% of those who complained still clicked YES), that he was trashing phase 3 because people weren't ready for it, and toning down phase 2. People on the forum kept talking about Trust and having Faith in the admin. I always see this as a bad sign. While I understand the direction that he wants to take this, the encouragement to what basically amounts to "blind faith"... I take a double-take at it.

What will the future hold for NeoBux? I'm not sure, but I'm hopeful. What it brings may mean that I can no longer support it as the best PTC. It's been the only PTC that has had universal praise. That might start changing. Yet... it has done quite a lot for the PTC landscape. I can't go back to the other PTCs - their payment method is too slow. A wary Kudos to NeoBux.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

How to make $2 a day in ClicksVista clicks in ClickVista (if you click all of them) are worth about $2.34 or $2.35. I got the first number from going through them all and putting them in the computer calculator, so I leave room for error; the second comes from the earnings report. However...

" Tracking issues"
"Dear Members,
We have noticed that some of our users still have issues with tracking of their clicks, specially new members. So I am forwarding the below information again to all the users.
Do some clickings on, wait for about 15 mins, delete your cookies and cache, login to your account again and then do more clickings. Most of our users have tried this and worked. If you are also using then after you finish clickings on Clicksvista, wait for about 30 mins, delete cookies and cache, then do clickings on

If aboove solution does not work then please read the below post on the forum, it is very useful and resolved many tracking issues. Here is a link from the forum. Please signup to our forum and look at the post it resolved most of the user's issues with regards to  tracking.
If you are not satisfied with the level of service then I can provide you online help via MSN LIVE MESSENGER, you can add me as and we can try some live tracking of your clicks.
Users are the  life blood of any website and we will take every step to make sure you are satisfied.  Again I would highly recommend you to join our forum where you will find all these topics discussed by users and the solutions.
Hope this helps, If we can be of any help let us know please.



To highlight the important To-Do information:

Do some clickings on, wait for about 15 mins, delete your cookies and cache, login to your account again and then do more clickings. Most of our users have tried this and worked. If you are also using then after you finish clickings on Clicksvista, wait for about 30 mins, delete cookies and cache, then do clickings on

I have yet to calculate how long this entire process would take, but I would guess that the clicks take 5-10 minutes to do. In total, then, (10 + 15 + 10 + 30 + 10) clicking, waiting, clicking again, waiting for Quid, clicking would amount to 75 minutes, or 1 hour and 15 minutes.

In addition to ClicksVista and QuidCorner, I am also still doing NeoBux,, and BigKahunaClicks. I keep meaning to keep doing PalmBux, but it's sort of an on-off-on sort of thing. I'm also doing Paid2YouTube, but I'm not sure if it'll pan out; it's looks too much like

What is the minimum to cashout for ClicksVista and QuidCorner? Both have cashouts at $5.

When are you paid by ClicksVista and QuidsCorner
ClicksVista's answer:
"All requests received on or after 30th ofeach month will be paid on 15th of next month. Requests made on or after 15th will be paid on 30th and 31st of each month.

So the next payment run is on 15th September and 16th September for the requests made till 14th Spetember."

QuidCorners' answer:
"We pay members on the 1st of every month.
20th is the cutoff date
For example, all withdrawal requests made between 21st May 2009, to 20th June 2009, will be paid on 1st of July.