Monday, April 19, 2010

Not Really Enthused.

I've finally decided to say it: I've become rather disinterested in
PTCs as of late. The earnings simply aren't enough. And it's
really tedious. I've lost interest in them. So the "lots of little
ones that add up to a lot" doesn't really work out - there
aren't enough, and the pay is too low.

There's also the problem of Why I'm doing them. I'm doing
them to get paid, and you know what? That's why the PTC
rate always gets lower after a while. You see a new PTC up
with $0.01 per click? A few months later it's at $0.005, and
soon it's at $0.0001? Yeah, and guess why. It's cause the
eyeballs going to the ads aren't worth much more than that,
and the expectations are adjusted accordingly.

A few of the other things I've been doing have been working
out alright, and I'll definitely be sticking with them, and hopefully
trying to find more of them. There are two of them, so far.

One is Swagbucks (yes, that's a referral link).
Search & Win

The other is Gomez (yes, another referral link).

(annnnnnd, the picture isn't working... it's a pretty one, too!)

These two are the main survivors of that PTC test that
I've been trying to figure out. With Gomez, you're providing
value to website testers, and they pay you accordingly.
With Swagbucks, it's more of a paying-you-for-what-you're-
already doing type. Really, that's what both of them are like -
having your computer being turned on and on the internet,
and getting paid for that is pretty much getting paid for what
you were already doing. was another promising site, but it
has two important downfalls. One of them is that the
keywords are hella-annoying to incorporate, and sometimes
even, understand. The other is that there isn't a consistent
amount of work available. And the kicker is that you don't
exactly know how the writing is being used, except that it's
for "research". Much be rather shoddy research...

So, there are two things that I'm focusing on right now.
One is that of being paid for what I already do
(searches, chatting, whatever), and trying to find
two more methods of earning money, one of which
is that of setting up little things here and there that would
make me a little cash, and can be automated. Then
I could just make a lot of those, and it would eventually

The other thought I have is doing odd jobs here and
there, such as helping out older people figure out how to
use computers. Apparently there's a demand for that.

I'm not sure if I'll change the blog name or whatnot,
but things are going to start changing a bit. One thing
I don't want to end up doing is that of referral hogging
(which is when you're competing for referrals because
only you and not other people benefit from that).
Instead, I'd rather have something that I could use myself,
and then share it with others if it's even worth having.
Such as Swagbucks and Gomez. Perhaps it could
be a community sort of process, where everyone ends
up sharing their money-making methods, till eventually
we're all rich. :-) Now there's a thought!

You might be wondering, if I'm trying to avoid
referral-hogging, why I posted up my referral links
instead of the main links. Well, because for those
who would see the links and just sign up haphazardly...
why not? If you see it and want to share it with someone
with the main link or your referral link, go for it!
But you do know that the way these things spread
is through incentivising people recruiting each other?
and so that's partially what I'm doing. It's just that
if you end up taking that part too seriously,
and put the dependence of your livelihood on it,
that's when it becomes referral-hogging, and
that's the part that I'm trying to avoid.

1 comment:

ebele said...


Good idea sticking with Swagbucks as you're geting paid to do something you do anyway and it's pretty straightforward to use.

What I would say is just use the lack of va-va-voom to look for what speaks to you. Think about what you're good at and enjoy doing and see if there's a way you could make money from it.

In any case, good luck. I hope you have a good month.

Take care...