Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Way To Test NeoBux

I've calculated a way to test if it's possible to make money with NeoBux. Yes, I've said that I'm done with PTCs. Apparently, I haven't yet totally convinced myself. I need to know if NeoBux is even potentially reliable. So this is what I've done.

It costs $0.66 to rent the minimum referrals (3).
It costs $3.69 to extend them for the maximum amount of time (240 days).

There are two first problems.

1. How do you deal with waiting, if you're going to click 4 ads per day (108.75 days to get to that)?
2. How do you match up referral sets? That is, how do you deal with the 30 day difference that always occurs?

The solution to problem 1 is that I give money to anyone who might be interested in trying this out, assuming that the current strategy that I'm using works. If it works, then won't I have money to doll out? For me, the solution was that I already had money in my NeoBux from all the experimenting; so, no waiting.
However, assuming that neither of these are true...
Extending 3 refs for 60 more days costs $1.20. During that time (30 days of having the 3 refs you just got), if you've clicked 4 ads per day, you'll have $1.20 (30 * 4). If you haven't, extending 3 refs for 30 days costs $0.21, leaving, hopefully, excess money. Repeating this process will eventually get you up to being able to extend for 240 days each time. Tedious? Yes. But it won't feel as long as the 108 day wait: you're doing something, and you're watching your referrals.

The solution to problem 2 is to separate the 30 from the rest of the equation.
240 (extension) + 30 (initial referral amount) = 270. I couldn't match it up using the 270, but I could with the 240. The plan is to, every 120 days, to check up on how the referrals are doing, see if it's plausible to get more, and then perhaps to buy another set of referrals.

Why will this work?
Gain is greater than cost.

4 * 120 = 480; $4.80. (Assumed gain of clicking every day)
3.69 + .66 = 4.35; $4.35 (Cost of renting new referrals)

Depending on how well the referrals click, I may or may not get many sets. I'm assuming that there won't be a lot of clicking, and I plan to find about where the drop-off is (and if, perhaps, it's computer-generated, and if that means it's engineered to be impossible, and if that means you have to get golden, and whether that means it's a scam or that you "have to put in something to get something out").

So, assuming for not that many new sets:
$4.80 - $3.69 = $1.11. Recycling costs $0.07. $1.11 / $0.07 = 15.857, or 15. That's per 120 days, because that's the refresh rate. So: 15 per 120 days, or 1 per 8 days. So: using this method, you can recycle once per 8 days and have money to make the system go.

I'm also using the paper-and-pen method to record things down. I don't know why, but it just works better for me than the Excel system. The reason I switched is that I accidentally deleted the Excel (trying to use google docs in combination with my hard-drive, making for a transition that... yeah)... and, I'm just really tired of using it. I like to turn pages, too. I just prefer it right now... bug off...

This system should be usable by anyone who wants to investigate the NeoBux PTC.

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