Thursday, September 10, 2009

What about dem Google Ads?

In my somewhat waning interest for internet money-making ideas, and slight desperation for anything, which, isn't so unusual for me, I've turned to looking at google adsense (having looked at a few decent blogs, and I already have it up on my blog, but I don't exactly have a lot of visitors. And, in pre-trospect, why would I have up ads that I didn't feel were worth clicking?

So, I've taken screenshots of the ads, and I'm going to review the sites. If I think the sites are worthwhile, then I'll keep them up. If I think they're full of shit, I'll take the google ads down.

The first one is mrmisupercash. Looks like you have to spend $1 to even find out how it works. Well, maybe later; I'm tight on money.
Second one: midgesonlinewealth. It's looks free, and that's good, but:
"What I discovered will shock YOU!

    • 91% of Work at Home programs are complete and utter SCAM!
    To me, that screams, "I think you're an idiot." It leads to three other opportunities: ZFM, or Zero Friction Marketing, The ClickBank Code, and Copy n Profit, all of which seem to have the price of $77 (seperately).

    Third one: costs $39.99.

    Fourth one: I don't like survey stuff. I might get to it later.

    Fifth one: hits4pay. Hits4Pay I recommend and use. I have $14.20 on it right now. It sends you emails about new inbox emails to read, and I usually just archive most of them and use the link for the last one once every week and do them all in one shot. Kind of like a slower PTC, almost, that pays $0.02 per click. So, yeah: I like Hits4Pay so far. Cashout is at $25. The main quibble I have with it is that it supports taxes and tax laws, which is anti-thetical to freedom. However, since we don't have freedom from American tyranny of democracy, I consider it as H4P covering their ass.

    Sixth one: Read-4-Cash. This one led me to (it was the bonus) along with two people streaming from cams telling me things to do. I watched a 18 minute 10 second video. The read-4-cash site doesn't seem to have much more than a sign-up spot. More details on that later, perhaps. The 2 Worldprofit people there want me to put $90 on my paypal credit to get me signed up for their silver membership and stuff. I'm going to be back in an hour to watch the seminar. I don't think I'll join, but I think the seminar will be interesting. I've already got two strikes against it: $90 cost, and the sponsors badmouthing "skeptic".
    I googled "worldprofit scam" and got a few sites;
    had this part, which I found to be true in what I saw, too:
    "Notice what I've watched Mr. Lant and Mr. Carpenter do for the last few days...sat in a public webcam chat channel on their website where they claim to CLOSE YOUR DEALS FOR YOU. CLose what deals? Oh, that's right, all they do is order people to watch their recruitment video, full of vague promises of booming business and cash flowing like wine, and are offered no other instruction other than to consider what package they're going to buy. "
    I was in the chatroom and someone named Elizabeth was talking about how she was disabled. They went on about how she should stop feeling sorry for herself, and the he was disabled and you didn't see him moping about. And, while it's a good lesson to have, it was put across in the rudest way I could imagine. They reminded me of another deal that I have been glad, years later, that I didn't accept. The time limit, the badmouthing skepticism, and their almost-hatred of any questioning of the site's ability... it's left a distaste in my mouth.
    However, some claim to have made profit. So... I'll just say that it's not the sort of site that I would want to use. Maybe you would, though. I don't know.
    It doesn't sound promising, though:
    "I Just sat through a webcast hosted by Dr. Lant. I was promised 50,000 visitors to my website after sitting through the entire webcast. Well, the webcast was long boring and basically shameless self-promotion for "The Silver Package", which you can read about in other posts here. 
    After the "Yawn-cast" I returned to the members area and asked if I would then be credited with my "free visitors" Mr. Jim Carpenter rudely answered my post by saying that after he was finished with his time to promote "The Silver Package" he would take questions."
    (use Ctrl+f, copy the quotes, then paste them on the website page, to find the context of it faster)
    This guy/girl did what I did:
    "Something didn't feel right. You know that gut feeling you get when you know something is too good to be true? I decided that I would not spend anything at that time. Instead, I researched Dr Jeffrey Lant and his amazing WorldProfit outfit."
    "A search for Dr Jeffrey Lant proved a lot more interesting. My search engine had predicted my search terms and as I put in Dr Jeffrey Lant, it added Scam to the search phrase.
    Now I was on to something. Why would such a reputable company, with such an esteemed founder and CEO have an automated search term of 'Jeffrey Lant Scam'?" I had automatically included the phrase... oops?
    "What I found was that WorldProfit was nothing more than a scam. Admittedly a very good scam, but a scam none the less. You see, the $99.95 monthly fee, with no contracts and no cancellation fee was a lie. These guys sell their 'Silver Package' (that is the only package they have) for around $1,200. When unsuspecting victims join, they are actually agreeing to finance this by 12 instalments of $99.95 - try to cancel and they want 30% of the balance, stop paying them and they will hit you with a legal notice and threat of legal action." Which is what I read on that discussion, too. Sounds expensive.
    "Let me just say, that there were some positive posts and articles. For instance their was the guy praising Dr Lant for all his hard work and fantastic results. As expected however, this was a WorldProfit distributor, not exactly impartial." Yeah, the ones I saw that had positive results were from World Profit, too.
    "A rather positive reply was left, stating how wonderful the company was, how it acknowledged the mistakes it had made but none the less, it was making millionaires out of ordinary people. By the way, that reply was made by Sandi Hunter, the president of the company." What website, dude? (Probably a lot of the same ones I found) Cite it, cite it!
    "I copied all of the URLs that I had found on the WorldProfit Scam and on the Dr Jeffrey Lant Scam and returned to their sales centre. Again, I was greeted by Dr Lant and he immediately asked me why I had not signed up. Then his associate was quick to call me a time waster and a loser.
    Never one to lose my cool, I simply said I had been researching the opportunity and that it all seemed very interesting. They were soon telling me how fantastic their business was and how I was going to be their top producer. Then I hit them with it. I said, 'Jeff, I have been doing some research and whilst I am interested in your program, there are a claims that I would like you to answer'. Well, the good Dr, hate being called Jeff, so I immediately annoyed him. Then I posted the URL links to the page. He read them and after 10 minutes started shouting abuse at me, telling everyone in the forum how I was a pain in his ass, how I was a loser and how I would never make it in life. He was rude, obnoxious and could not answer defend any of the claims against him. Instead, he acted like a child and barred me from his website." I shall expect the same, then. Makes me wish I hadn't used my real name...

    And here's a guy that apparently took the program:
    "But, I attended a few of their live online conferences and watched them a while to see how they operate. I was interested at first because I saw that they where closing sales. So, I decided to check it out some more and I went ahead and bought a silver package to see what it was all about.

    After a few weeks I realized that that was all it was; you buy a silver package and tell other people that they can make money online …and all that they’d have to do is buy their silver package and it would contain all the tools they needed to make money online.
    As a part of the silver package you’re required to go through a boot camp training program and they recommend that sign up to about 20 different traffic exchange and safe list sites. Then you’re supposed to blast your offer out to the safe lists and hope someone will come to your website and hopefully get caught in the same spider web your stupid ass just signed up for.
    After I realized what I had gotten myself into, I sent them a support ticket to have my account canceled and they shut my site down the very next day and never billed me again. So, this entire experience cost me $99 and a lot of wasted time." And perhaps saved some people a whole lot of time.
    Apparently, "After going through that whole ordeal I found something that has been working well for me and I’m now making a full time income online. If you’d like to check out what I’m doing now, you can take a look at two of my websites where I offer a nice bonus for anyone who joins me. Here’s my no.1 recommendation: Secret Affiliate Code. And no.2 is: Four Tier Annihilation Method." So I'll get around to reviewing those sometime.
    "Are you living on air?" is what he said to Elizabeth, too.

    Alright, so: all of the signals I'm getting about World Profit is "IT'S A SCAM!"

    Seventh: SurveyMoneyMachines. Haven't gotten the email yet. I suspect it got caught in the spam box. ... yep it got caught in the spam box. And... it looks like sign up opps. It might be legit, but I just don't like these types of sites.

    Eighth: thelucidlife. Costs $75 to use/join:
    Apparently, though, there's a 110% refund if you can prove that the system mathematically isn't profitable:
    I doubt that it's "hackable", as it were.

    Conclusion: With the exception of Hits4Pay, they all look pretty glim. I'm thinking of taking the ads down...

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