Tuesday, September 1, 2009

NeoBux: AutoPay Explained (finally!) + thinking about a strategy

I have been reading people who were talking about autopay, and never quite understood it. I assumed that, with autopay, if a referral didn't click, they were auto-replaced. That doesn't sound too good, because what if it was a referral that simply missed a day of clicking? Additionally, it costs $0.008 each day. Either way seems rather dicey. I hadn't understood it until now, and that's why I wasn't using it. However,
this post had something different to say:
"Reggen666 already answered your question in the previous post, you don't have to make another post. Autopay is AUTOPAY. Whenever your rented referral clicks, it adds 1 more day to the remaining days of that referral. Example, the ref has 25 days remaining, he clicks today, tomorrow he will still have 25 days remaining."

So, here's what autopay is:
Whenever your rented referral clicks, it adds 1 more day to the remaining days of that referral. Example, if the ref has 25 days remaining, and he clicks today, tomorrow he will still have 25 days remaining. This makes autopay an essential feature of NeoBux; essentially, if you find a good rent, you'll never have to renew that referral again. And, since the price is $0.008 per day, you will, apparently, save 10% of the total renew price ($0.28). By my calculations, $0.008 * 30 days = $0.24. So, yes, it's an overall savings.

Henceforth, I'm turning my autopay on.

...out of curiousity....
1 active... $0.008 per day
6 active... $0.048
10 active... $0.08
25 active... $0.20
50 active... $0.40
100 active... $0.80

50 active ($0.40 per) click 1 ad: $0.25
click 2 ads: $0.50

100 active ($0.80) click 1 ad: $0.50
click 2 ads: $1.00


50 with 1.8 avg = -$0.40 + $0.45 = $0.05
50 with 1.7 avg = -$0.40 + $0.425 = $0.025
50 with 1.6 avg = -$0.40 + $0.40 = $0

So, each of them needs an average of at least 1.6 to break even.


56 rents cost:
$18.48 to extend 30 more days
$33 (10% discount) to extend 60 more days
$44.22 (20% discount) to extend 90 more days
= (dividing by appropriate days)
(/30) $0.61.6 per rental
(/60) $0.55 per rental
(/90) $0.49 per rental

Autopay costs per rental (for 30 days):
$0.008 * 30 = $0.24... Something's off. That or the savings from doing autopay is much more than it looks like.

Let's focus on just one rent:
Renew for 30 days: $0.28
Renew for 60 days: $0.50 (Two 30's = $0.56)
Renew for 90 days: $0.67 (Three 30's = $0.84)
Autopay on for 30 days: (.008 * 30) $0.24
Autopay on for 60 days: (.008 * 60) $0.48
Autopay on for 90 days: (.008 * 90) $0.72

Given the current rate of clicking by most of mine (9th day so far), the good clickers will need to be refreshed about once every year, the medium ones about once every 3-4 months, and the bad ones, every month. I guess, then, autopay is a good way of finding out who has a bad record.

Now, what was with that discrepancy up there? Hmm... 
$18.48 / 56 = $0.33. 
But $0.28 / 1 = $0.28.
And $0.28 * 56 = $15.58, not $18.48.

...OH. I have 66 rents, not 56. $18.48 / 66 = $0.28. Good.

The autopay strategy is useless for the newcoming NeoBuxer. Only after you start building a base of referrals is it useful. Once you get some money flowing, turn it on. However, if you don't feel comfortable with turning it on, don't. What is does, though, is this:
-> rental clicks that day
-> -$0.008 from rental funds
-> + day to referral that clicked (i.e. the referral clicked that day and he has 25 days left - tomorrow that referral will still have 25 days left)

What if the rent doesn't click? Then nothing happens. A day goes by. Eventually you'll need to either let it die, refresh it, or renew it if you want to get another referral to pay with. Which of these is more beneficial? Depends. If you let it day, you're down a rent, but you didn't lose any money. If you refresh it, you're refreshing a dead rent - i.e., if you're going to refresh, it should be because there's the possibility of more activity; otherwise, it's because you want to recycle for $0.008 to try out a new user. In this case, you'll want to use the 90 day renew.

90 day renew: $0.67; cost of recycle: $0.008. Let's assume (30/7) 4 recycles per 30 days of the 90 days.
Total cost: $0.67 + $0.08 * (90/30 * 4) = $1.63
So, for a perfectly awful rent set (i.e. you always get a bad rental when you recycle), the cost would be pretty dismal. Since this is unlikely to happen, it's more reasonable to assume that the user (being me) would stop recycling after 3 attempts. Why? Because I just recently found out that NeoBux recycles your rental (if the referral is inactive, meaning no clicks at all) for free after 14 days; I thought it was just for those who had upgrades. I was wrong, thankfully.

Putting these scenarios together, what would make for an overall net of $0?
Let's assume an overall average of 1.0.
With 50 rents, that makes for 
+$0.25 per day from clicks
-$0.40 per day from autopay (net loss)
Alright. Now an overall average of 1.8.
50 rents:
-$0.40 (net gain)
Average of 1.6.
50 rents:
There's the money (lol or lack thereof). A net gain of Zero. Anything above that is gain. Anything below that is loss.

However, this isn't how it actually works. One chunk of them are fairly active (something like 2.2 to 2.8), another chunk is decent (1.7 to 2.0) and about 1/4 and fewer of them have an average of less than that. And most, if not all of them, are active, or eventually become active.

With 66 rents, so long as I make at least $0.528 in average per day and put that in the rental everyday, my rents are sustainable. Not profitable, but sustainable.

What would I need for a profit of $1 per day?
Required money per day: $1.53. Each click worth $0.005; 306; 206 / 66 = 3.12 (12 repeats)
Avg per day so far: (130 + 97 + 120 + 117 + 91 + 106 + 141 + 122 + 122 + 124 + 75 + 115 + 130 + 111) / 14 = 114; placeholder amount = 2 places (91) ->110.
110 / 66 = 1.6 (repeats)
Well, that's simply splendid to know. I'm not making money, but I'm not losing it, either. Bleh. Well, at least I'm sustaining... basically.

To at least sustain the rents I have, I need to maintain an average of 1.6. That means at least (1.6 * 66) = 106 clicks per day. Anything above that is me making some profit (that I can then reinvest). More strategizing later...


Rajib said...
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Cameron said...

Thanks so much! This post is very infomative!

I've linked it to my blog: Top3-Pay-to-Click

shyguy76767 said...

@Cameron ^_^ Glad it helped ya.

BestCashAffiliate said...

A really good explanation regarding a very important matter.It just goes to show that there are still people out there who can use their mind in a good way. Good job :)

Anonymous said...

My Autopay doubts are cleared largely!

Farhan said...

Thank You So much for your information.

Apoorv Agnihotri said...

You saved my life, I was dieing with questions about auto play....
God Bless you with many cents..:P
Sorry $$Dollars$$..:D
Best of Luck!!!

Unknown said...

Greate Idea Thanks

Unknown said...

hi, i m totally new and one thing more that i have 2 referrals (Direct)
so they are asking me questions and i even dont know their answers as well so one of them is autopay... so if my autopay is on and a person cannot click so in this case is his day will extend or not his day will decreases to 29? or another thing that is i rented 25 refferals and mostly 15 referrals are clicking a day and the rest are not clicking and i m recycling then in this case after 5 days so that cost me as well so in this case autopay On give me benifit or not?
Note : sorry for my bad english and spellings mistakes.

Unknown said...

hi, i m totally new and one thing more that i have 2 referrals (Direct)
so they are asking me questions and i even dont know their answers as well so one of them is autopay... so if my autopay is on and a person cannot click so in this case is his day will extend or not his day will decreases to 29? or another thing that is i rented 25 refferals and mostly 15 referrals are clicking a day and the rest are not clicking and i m recycling then in this case after 5 days so that cost me as well so in this case autopay On give me benifit or not?
Note : sorry for my bad english and spellings mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Great work man.Thank you very much.

Aspyrone said...

Yeah I smell bull poo around ... But all that counting are very nice if You have RR with click all the time. I have 14 RR after one week I was have 0,54 cents when I turn on autopay after 3 days consume 0,24 cents because ptcsolution have 0,0057 cent per day. With low clicking RR don't turn on autopay!!