Friday, September 11, 2009

:-) NeoBux clicks seem to be up

And I changed my strategy so that I wouldn't be drowning for money to use for maintenance. I have turned autopay back on, and I'm going to be leaving it on. Those who click will survive (or at least be more likely to survive) and those who don't, will drop off.
Basically, if those who click don't maintain themselves, then it wasn't meant to be.

There are a few referrals who have just one day left on their rent. They're probably going to drop off -- their clicks are low, and they aren't worth refreshing, since I would both refresh and recycle them ($0.36); I could just rent for $0.28 per referral instead. However, for the referrals who have low clicks but have a lot of days left on them, I'm recycling them.
Rent + renew for 90 days* + autopay + recycling low clicks = win? We'll see.
*well, I've been renewing some of them for 30 days, mostly out of panic. I've stopped doing that.

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