Thursday, March 31, 2011

Et Tu, NeoBux? -- APRIL FOOLS!

I'm not sure whether to be scared, or really amused. The cash and ads are showing in roman, though when you mouse-over, they display back as normal.

It's April Fools! And, by the way, Golden's become Supervisor, and Ultimates become President!

Pioneers become Ancient.

Not sure what Help desk is.

And guess what the admin is!

It's hard to be annoyed at this guy :P
I'm liking his humor.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

NeoBux: Remember The $0.50 ticket?

Well, it's real.

I'm not sure what to make of that. But, if it's a regular occurrence, that would definitely be something to add against expenses. Lots of changes are happening... not sure yet if it's a good idea to stay. Will keep clicking until I've decided. Funny, though, how the improvements are offered slowly, while the one huge disappointment is dropped at the turn of a dime. Funny, innut... Oh, I know, admin, I know - it's because of "the reaction" to it. Either you're a schmuck (one with good intentions, of course), an idiot (again, one with good intentions, of course), or a scammer. Time will tell.

(Couldn't find the original post, so I'll post PTC-I's)
"9. Bonuses - For each advertisement you see you'll have an opportunity to earn $0.50 each hour. If you've seen advertisements in the past hour, you're eligible for the draw. This amount will be added to the main balance and users can do what they want with it."

Friday, March 25, 2011

NeoBux: A Turn for the Better

"Looking back almost 2 weeks ago, where the first and required step of the process was implemented, and recalling the chaos created by those who fear changes even though proven successful, I will take it easy this time."

"All the needed changes were to be ready until month's end and would turn NeoBux into the most perfect place to be BUT I won't take the risk, even though I'm perfectly sure everyone would love it, to make these radical changes all at once. I understand that some need time to digest changes and evolve with them. I understand and accept it. It's even better to have a surprise every now and then than to risk some having a heart attack for looking at something wonderful that was appeared overnight."

"Instead of a global instant change you'll benefit from the new model one feature at a time until we can finally conclude all changes."

"New features will be introduced as soon as the current ones are fully understood by our users."

THANK YOU. Although, I don't appreciate your inane characterization:
"having a heart attack for looking at something wonderful that was appeared overnight."
No, no, and no. But whatever. You can view it however you like so long as you're actually listening. Or do you REALLY think that users thought that earning $0.001 instead of $0.01 was "looking at something wonderful"?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

NeoBux's 2012

I figured I'd get a snapshot of my earnings, since they happened to fall on the number:
As we wait for the end (or, at least, to the point where I have decided it's time to cashout) of NeoBux, having gone from probably the best PTC in the industry, to a suicide dive, we can at least amuse ourselves with things like this. Hopefully when I do cashout, I get the cash. I'm thinking I'll wait till the 1st of next month, or sometime around then. In the meantime, I've been finding other, better PTCs:

That's the one I'm guessing people aren't the most familiar with, and it's the one I'm most hopeful in. A lot of links at $0.001, and a cashout of $1. Nice!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

PTC checkup - Are They Worth It?

I'm going to just go through some PTCs and check out their value:

Sift 1:

-4 guaranteed ads at $0.001 per day = $0.004
-To rent: $0.66. $0.66 / $0.004 = 165 days
-To cashout ($2); $2 / $0.004 = 500 days
-Feel: Feels alright. Little annoying the ads are down in value.

-48 cash cubes at 0.0002 = 0.0096
-To cashout (6); 6 / 0.0096 = 625 days
-Feel: Takes forever (30 min - 1 hr)! Long load time even though ads themselves aren't that high.

-0-12 ads per day = $0.00 - $0.12
-Cashout $10 / ($0.00 or $0.12) = never to 84 days
Feel: It's alright. Occasional annoying ad-breakers.

-0-8 (approx.) at $0.003 = $0 - $0.024
-Cashout $5 / ($0 or $0.024) = never to 208.3 days
Feel: Meh. Layout could be considered annoying (new page for viewing ad by default), but it's useful for refreshing the page.

-3-15 (approx) at approx. $0.0005 = $0.0015 - $0.0075
Cashout $0.04 / ($0.0015 or $0.0075) = 27 to 5.3 days
Feel: Feels nice.

-2-4 (approx) at $0.005 (1-2) to $0.01 (2-3) = average $0.025
-Cashout $10 / $0.025 = 400 days
Feel: Feels nice.

-0-4 at .1c to .3c = $0 to $0.012
-Cashout: $3 / $0.012 = 250 days
Feel: Little archaic, not too annoying; very few ads

-about 12-15 ads at $0.001 - $0.005 = $0.012 to $0.075
-Cashout $1 / ($0.012 to $0.075) = 83.3 or 13.3 days
Feel: Slightly tedious security, annoying thing to click at ad end - using adblocker to stop that.

-3-4 at about $0.004 = $0.012 to $0.016
-Cashout $2 / ($0.012 to $0.016) = 166.7 to 125 days
Feel: Hate it. Hard to navigate. But the ads don't take that long...

-10-14 at about $0.001 to $0.004 = $0.01 to $0.056
-Cashout $1 / ($0.01 to $0.056) = 100 to 18 days
Feel: Slightly tedious security, annoying thing to click at ad end - using adblocker to stop that.

-about 35 at $0.001 to $0.005 = $0.035 to $0.175
-Cashout $17.99 / ($0.035 to $0.175) = 514 to 102.8 days
Feel: Not too annoying.

-approx: 10 ads per page at $0.001 to $0.01 * 25 pages = 250 * ($0.001 to $0.01) = $0.25 to $2.50
-Cashout $1 / ($0.25 to $2.50) = 4 to .4 days
Feel: It's alright.


4 to .4 days
Feel: It's alright.

27 to 5.3 days
Feel: Feels nice.

83.3 or 13.3 days
Feel: Slightly tedious security, annoying thing to click at ad end - using adblocker to stop that.

100 to 18 days
Feel: Slightly tedious security, annoying thing to click at ad end - using adblocker to stop that.

never to 84 days
Feel: It's alright. Occasional annoying ad-breakers.

166.7 to 125 days
Feel: Hate it. Hard to navigate. But the ads don't take that long...

514 to 102.8 days
Feel: Not too annoying.

never to 208.3 days
Feel: Meh. Layout could be considered annoying (new page for viewing ad by default), but it's useful for refreshing the page.

250 days
Feel: Little archaic, not too annoying; very few ads

400 days
Feel: Feels nice.

500 days
-Feel: Feels alright. Little annoying the ads are down in value.

625 days
-Feel: Takes forever (30 min - 1 hr)! Long load time even though ads themselves aren't that high.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fuck you too, NeoBux

Ok, I'm sorry. I have to let some more steam out.

"What really puzzled me were the things users wrote which happened the other way around. I would like to point out some examples which are really important:
- "I'm quitting": Most of those that wrote this never did quit and, judging from the overall users' activity, I see no difference, quite the opposite.
- "Everybody will cashout": Even though I also made everyone comfortable doing so, we only had a small 2.1% increase in cashouts (as per last week's average) in the past 48 hours. Since we have always ups and downs ranging 4% every day, it remained unnoticeable.
- "My referrals will leave": Not only most didn't but they've been taking these changes with great pleasure. Global clicking activity has risen a bit (around 6%) in the past 2 days and today looks even better. The highest activity was made from users that had no referrals while most that have continued doing their 2 or 3 clicks per day.
- "New users won't register": Here's where we had our greatest rise which I failed to predict at all... 18% increase of new registrations in average in the past 48 than any other day of this year. Today a higher increase is projected. This is actually higher than the boost we had last birthday."

1. "I'm quitting" - Lack of time scale much? I'm going to be quitting in about 2 or so weeks... When I'm able to actually cashout. Are you deliberately being dense? Not everyone can cashout. Especially with the slower earnings!
2. refer to 1, actually.
3. refer to 1... I'm probably someone's referral, am I not?
4. That's weird. I'm wondering what you're manipulating with this. If I saw this new opportunity from NeoBux, I'd think the person inviting me was insane.

"One thing that truly disappointed me, and I have to be honest with you, was the reaction of some users. I understand that some were only worried about a few cents and never stopped to realize what they could earn more and preferred to shoot first and ask questions later. Many have come to their senses now and I'm happy they did and, trust me, there's no grudge on my end. Better to learn late than never to learn at all.
99% of the users that needed to blow some steam posted and only 1% that were happy posted. It's always like this and I think that will never change."
:-) You're wrong. I still hate you.

"About the forum spam and misuage:
This has been TOTALLY inadmissible."
Yeah. Sounds like what you did. Now THAT - THAT - that was inadmissible! You're turning into a scam.

"Now I need to get things ready for the 25th. I'm two days delayed due to all the unnecessary spam"
Well, now that will be an interesting day, won't it? Hopefully people will cashout before you announce that you've scammed us all.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

NeoBux - Frontier Psychologist: "How do you feel today?"

Cue Frontier Psychologist:

"How do you feel today?"
"Poll Question:
This poll is being made to know EXACTLY how our users feel about the new changes.
Why? Because what some wrote is completely different from what's happening and, although I see everything is getting better, I need to be absolutely sure and users will also get a general idea.
I know that many misunderstood the changes at first and needed to see the reality for themselves which is why this poll was only created now, 48 hours after the changes.

The question is simple:


This topic is closed to avoid spammers but you can vote.
It will be closed in a few hours, as soon as a significative amount of votes is gathered. A new topic will then be created to discuss the results.

1: Yes
2: No"
"Is NeoBux ill, Is NeoBux ill, Is NeoBux ill
Is NeoBux ill today, Mr Kirk, NeoBux's in school
I'm afraid he's not, Miss Fishpaw
NeoBux's truancy problem is way out of hand
The Baltimore County school board have decided to expel
NeoBux from the entire public school system

Oh Mr Kirk, I'm as upset as you to learn of NeoBux's truancy
But surely, expulsion is not the answer!
I'm afraid expulsion is the only answer
It's the opinion of the entire staff that NeoBux is criminally insane

That boy needs therapy, psychosomatic,
That boy needs therapy, purely psychosomatic
That boy needs therapy
Lie down on the couch! What does that mean?
You're a nut! You're crazy in the coconut!
What does that mean? That boy needs therapy
I'm gonna kill you, that boy needs therapy
Grab a kazoo, let's have a duel
Now when I count three
That, that, that, that, that boy.. boy needs therapy
He was white as a sheet
And he also made false teeth

Frontier Psychiatrist
Frontier, frontier, frontier, frontier
Frontier, frontier, frontier, frontier
Frontier, frontier, frontier, frontier

That boy needs therapy, psychosomatic
That boy needs therapy, purely psychosomatic
That boy needs therapy
Lie down on the couch, what does that mean?
You're a nut! You're crazy in the coconut!
What does that mean? That boy needs therapy"

I'm not going to answer the question. To anyone who has reading these posts, the answer is obvious.
So, NeoBux, how do you feel about that? Are your doubts about your sheep gone?

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Strategic Death For NeoBux?

An excellent commentary, in my opinion:
By SadDayForNeo
"Until now, Neobux had shown more skill than all the other ptc sites out there, but with this latest move we finally see clear evidence that Neobux is in trouble. 
What is the proof ? Because admin is sharply reducing all the click rates that are a DIRECT EXPENSE for him. The click rates on his own ads (which has always been a way to attract customers to make affiliate commissions for his own account ), the direct ref clicks. 
So why is he leaving the rented ref clicks at the same level ? Because they are NOT an expense to him ! The refs you rent on the site are mere BOTS, and their average click rates are entirely manipulated by the script - The admin allows only a select minority to make a profit on rented refs, and those are the people who have already invested substantially in the site. For the rest of us, he sets the click rates so that we are either break even, or make a slight loss, so that he does not lose a penny. I was a golden member for a year, and after a couple of months it became clear to me that even though daily click numbers varied wildly, their average always ended up by some incredible coincidence very close to my purchase price, and that level would hold steady for months on end ! Such things do of course not occur by chance, but because the script is programmed in that way… 
Bye bye Neobux, this is the first nail in the coffin, turning you for now into an Aurora site. When will the next shoe drop ?"

And combine with that his evasive and condescending answers, and you have

Awww! Look at one of the True Believers:
"Thank's  Admin .

This poll show's you're always here to build a hand-by-hand busyness.

I believe those changes will be nice but we all know that's a long way to walk.
I don't mind that 30.000 unbeliever's leave.

Those were the ones who never understood NEOBUX, those were the one's who click casually, so I don't mind they leave as I don't mind to earn less from Fixed advertisements.

My ref's are still clicking, less, but they're clicking and I earn the same.

Thanks for sharing profit's with us   Admin .


Soooo cute! Think the meat will taste delicious?

And a cute-funny one:
"I have suggestion:

0,0000000001$ for Fixed advertisements
0,0000000000$ for Mini Exposure
0,0000000000$ for Micro Exposure

0,0000000000000000000001 for direct referrals
0,0000000000000000000000 for rented referrals

1000$ for sign in
5000$ for upgrade
9999$ for ultimate

1.000.000$ minimum withdraw

Advertisers will be happy
Admin will be happy
Owner will be happy

Rest of us? Who cares"

Proudly Banned From NeoBux's Forums[?]

Apparently, I've been temporarily banned from the forum. I really don't give a fuck. I'm tired of the place. I've said what I have to say. There's a "Cult of Personality" going on there that annoys me. Lots of people acting like sheep and like having faith in the admin is the BEST THING EVAR. I couldn't disagree more. Fuck that. Fuck NeoBux. People who talk shit about the admin or suggest that the referrals are bots are banned. I can understand the reasoning, but it's all getting a bit tiring. It was already drawing close to the BULLSHIT! alert. So, yeah: Fuck NeoBux for now. I'm going to give it one more week, and then I'm gone.
"For some reason I can't get to the Forum on the site every time I try to go to it goes to the Terms and Conditions page.  I submitted a ticket earlier today but no response. Someone asked if their were any other bux sites and Mentioned VcBux and Onbux but didn't give any links. It also filtered the word OnBux lol. I've been paid twice instantly from those two sites in the last month. Also cashed out twice with neobux too but doubt I will ever get to cashout again at this rate."

Uh... so, the admin closed down the forums? I wasn't banned?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Has NeoBux Committed Suicide?

Seriously. $0.04 is now $0.004?

Check it out:

Remember when Swagbucks had that *great* idea of giving people more Swagbucks when they searched (while glossing over the fact that everything in the store became 10x more expensive, thus in effect cheapening search credits)? Well, now NeoBux, in my eyes, has become one of the lower-par PTCs. What do I mean by that? I mean that the clicks are worth $0.001 each. And I mean the "Fixed advertisements".

I mention this because this could potentially mean that I cannot continue the experiment. I've already got an annoyingly large time-scale: 120 days. I can't imagine what a headache this might be if I try that somewhere along the line of 1200 days. What IS that? ... It's 3.33 years. ... 3 years. Yeah. I have my hands thrown up in perplextion. I'm going to wait a bit to see if the situation is truly as suicidal as it seems. It simply can't be the case; it doesn't make sense.

Later that day:
"Discussion on latest changes."

This part of it I find to be hilarious:
"I don't understand why users post something and do the opposite, really. Users claiming that they'll leave and they've been around all day clicking each new advertisement, for example."
Being a moron? Yeah, they're going to leave after they've been able to make cashout, after they've confirmed that the earnings are so low it's not worth it. Yeah, they're clicking away because they're in panic, you moron!

"Now that most of them have actually seen that they've misunderstood how things will work, I've opened this new topic for users to discuss things in an adult way."
And this is raising red flags for me. Christians say this sort of thing when atheists point out their bullshit. Is this indeed the last days of NeoBux?

"So please, cut the drama since you know that this, as always, will have a good outcome."
Oh yes, as Thou, our Lard, doth tell us. And we are Thy sheep. Fuck that shit.

"So, please, discuss all you want but be fair so that we all can have a nice conversation.
The latest closed topic is something that users that posted certain things won't be proud of in the next days. I'll leave it there as a reminder that we all must read first and think about all possible scenarios."
So, you scold people for not reacting well to getting $0.004 instead of $0.04, and just leave it at that? WTF.

"No one is running away... cashout are there for you if you're scared. Just use the pretty green button and take what's yours as no one will stop you as always."
Ah, so you're a "confidence man".

As you say yourself, you're relying on built-up trust:
"For those who know me by now it's easy to ask for this trust."

And you're not giving any answers. ... Why?


 Posts: 12938

Today at 15:15
Quote [Steeps5]:
I did understand the changes correctly. What it means is that we have to do 10 times the work to earn the same amount of money. The value for adds is now 1/10 of what they used to be, showing that it really will take 10 times the work we used to put in.
Yes, that's true and you're not having any misconception regarding it but only for fixed advertisements.
On the other hand, as we've lowered up to 35% the cost of our click packs, there will be a huge increase of advertisements per day. Not only that but we've managed to change what most advertisers left us for: The exclusivity of their advertisements has to be greater than ours.
Since I cannot unveil the new additions right now, I'll stop here.
""I did understand the changes correctly. What it means is that we have to do 10 times the work to earn the same amount of money. The value for adds is now 1/10 of what they used to be, showing that it really will take 10 times the work we used to put in."
"Yes, that's true and you're not having any misconception regarding it but only for fixed advertisements.
On the other hand, as we've lowered up to 35% the cost of our click packs, there will be a huge increase of advertisements per day. Not only that but we've managed to change what most advertisers left us for: The exclusivity of their advertisements has to be greater than ours.
Since I cannot unveil the new additions right now, I'll stop here.""

You DO realize that this makes NeoBux very Aurora-like? You DO realize that this makes it lower-par, because people can't click at ads one-shot and be done with them? Those add-ons had better be fuckin' good.

"No one is running away... cashout are there for you if you're scared. Just use the pretty green button and take what's yours as no one will stop you as always."

"Even if we discuss this in an adult way, the site will keep giving us not even a cent per day, and by the way, you said we just need to click the green button to cashout, how is that possible if i need 20 cents (+ -) to cashout, which will be impossible to achieve with those micro-cents."

"Then you didn't understand it correctly. The rented referrals are still the same amount. So what you're saying is completely false."
So, if you didn't realize, rr (rented referrals) have infamously low click rates. I go on the assumption that they won't click. Kapeesh?

Today at 15:19
Quote [send24]:
I will stay here until I reach my next payment because i am close, and after that I will leave!!! So that's the reason we are clicking, and because some members think that this is a joke!!!


People have invested over 100$ into your site and now they have to click years and years to return it!
No. No one invested any amount based on the total of own advertisements.
Given that, and to never to those who have invested, their referral earnings will be the same.

The initial idea, since we needed to maintain the same amount of advertisements for rented referrals' commissions, was actually to only give those the fixed advertisements.
Since it would be totally unethical, it was decided to give them to everyone."

Um, what? No one invested based on their own ads? Well, that's just plain false. EVERYONE invested based on having 4 ads a day at $0.01. WTF admin?
And that second part still makes no sense to me. Decrypt it for us, if you would.

Someone attempts to demystify this:
"The changes:
You get every click 0,001 Cent. 
If you have directs, you get depending on membership.
- Standard members: $0.0005
- Golden members: $0.005
- Golden members with a Golden Pack: $0.01
Rental value is still the same."

Ok. And? It still looks like PTC suicide to me.

"Quote [Icklorfin]:
Yeah, I really don't like how he just had to made the profit for standards worse ;-;. Before you could get 4c for just 4 clicks, now you'd need at least 40 clicks for micro-ads and those fixed ads just to do the same.
thats it. He want to motivate people to invest in neobux to buy members and stay active because of the clicks they must do for getting payed for their members."

So, in other words, buy more referrals... OR ELSE. So, in other words, invest money, OR ELSE. So, in other words, this is becoming a shit sandwich. So, in other words, you're a fuckin' moron, admin.

So: How NeoBux is committing suicide:
"This is an incorrect understanding. If you rent rent-referrals, and they click 4 ads a day, then you will get $0.02.

THIS is not what the problem is. The problem is that these rent-referrals when they click, they will only earn $0.001 a click, and so if they do not have rent-referrals themselves, they will stop clicking.

Therefore this new payment method will be fine for a while, but when people catch on, the losses will transmit higher and higher up the pyramid.

THIS is the problem with this model!"

"Quote [mrevan]:
as i said alot of users who works for 2$ and cashout they dont have any reffs, but they are the someones refferalls, so if they gonna quit nobody is going to have profitable refferals
No one (or at least not a noticeable amount) of users will quit. If all goes according to my prediction, it will even bring more users.

Quote [helder1986]:
But Admin try to understand some people doesn't have the time to click hours and hours, so because of that ours AVG will drop exponencialy...

Its not a motivation...
It won't take hours.

Quote [comebackdan]:
Legitimate Question - Will Standard users be able to click more than 4 fixed ads per day? I currently am seeing the 15 fixed ads as normal. Will I have 17, 19, 25 in the future?
Depends on the advertiser and maybe a fixed bonus given by us.

Quote [valywanted]:
I think that neobux will lost more members because we have no motivation if we are Standard member.......and Its no faire!!
You'll have plenty motivation, don't worry."

Meh. Waiting in pissed anticipation.

"Quote [RsRoyalty]:
Maybe it would be helpful if you told us all the change. As I had not idea the rented refs give the same amount as before, from the fixed ads, and that would've helped a lot to have known.
It was explained but not emphasized. I sometimes forget that people target bad things faster than good ones with their eyes."

Nah, not really. It's just that if you're looking to commit PTC suicide, that's sort of worrysome. No biggie, though. We can just go to another PTC that isn't into goth. WHAT good ones? Eh? We can't enjoy the good ones if we don't KNOW about them. They're a SURPRISE, remember?

"Quote [willo012]:
admin posing this new thread seems a little immature? what are you some 15 year old kid? im not meaning to be offensive but the facts are many standard members WILL leave because of this silly error and this WILL result in many many member losing out. as a loyal member im asking you to reverse this or please explain properly how this can help anyone because i fail to see what you are trying to do. its a shame to say that you have officially sunk the neobux ship :/
No, but I have good memories of that period a long time ago, thank you.
That's your opinion which comes without facts. I have them."

*cough* "I sometimes forget that people target bad things faster than good ones with their eyes." "That's your opinion which comes without facts. I have them." *cough*
Care to share the facts, all-mighty Zeus?
"Quote [LinkAssist]:
Thanks for giving us a little feedback, Admin. Could you help us out, though? Many are running scared, waiting for the other shoe to fall (or afraid it already has). What new benefits will be upcoming for Standards on Neobux's non-birthday? Can you tell us something that will ease the panic and slow the bleeding?
Keeping my fingers crossed...
Sorry, but you should know by now that a surprise is a surprise."

Sorry, but you should know by now that a seemingly idiotic decision with a lack of visuals of the good stuff results in not good feelings.

"You've noticed it but that's still with the previous price. It takes 24 hours for clicks to be available to advertisers so tomorrow will be different."

*pissed* Good. You'd better hope fuckin' so.

"Although many complaint, the actual truth is that most have been more active today than any other day (and it's Sunday).
They post "it's bad" then realize it's actually good but never say "I was wrong"."

"Thank you for your concerns, I do appreciate them. Do you really think that I would even a small change if it would hurt NeoBux in any way? I always struggle when making changes due to the fact that a few don't understand them at first. I could just sit back and think "Let them earn only that" instead of thinking "What can I do to make them earn more?". But what can I say? I just can't be passive."
A week's notice would be nice.

"Quote [Govahram]:
This remind me of the demonstrations in middle east and north Africa no offend, you have the Anti-admin and the Admin sympathizers hihi  just kidding 
Please don't make jokes about serious events like that. Thank you."
Oh really? ^_^ Fuck you too, NeoBux Hitman. Oh wait, I meant to say admin. What's the difference, though? :P

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Way To Test NeoBux

I've calculated a way to test if it's possible to make money with NeoBux. Yes, I've said that I'm done with PTCs. Apparently, I haven't yet totally convinced myself. I need to know if NeoBux is even potentially reliable. So this is what I've done.

It costs $0.66 to rent the minimum referrals (3).
It costs $3.69 to extend them for the maximum amount of time (240 days).

There are two first problems.

1. How do you deal with waiting, if you're going to click 4 ads per day (108.75 days to get to that)?
2. How do you match up referral sets? That is, how do you deal with the 30 day difference that always occurs?

The solution to problem 1 is that I give money to anyone who might be interested in trying this out, assuming that the current strategy that I'm using works. If it works, then won't I have money to doll out? For me, the solution was that I already had money in my NeoBux from all the experimenting; so, no waiting.
However, assuming that neither of these are true...
Extending 3 refs for 60 more days costs $1.20. During that time (30 days of having the 3 refs you just got), if you've clicked 4 ads per day, you'll have $1.20 (30 * 4). If you haven't, extending 3 refs for 30 days costs $0.21, leaving, hopefully, excess money. Repeating this process will eventually get you up to being able to extend for 240 days each time. Tedious? Yes. But it won't feel as long as the 108 day wait: you're doing something, and you're watching your referrals.

The solution to problem 2 is to separate the 30 from the rest of the equation.
240 (extension) + 30 (initial referral amount) = 270. I couldn't match it up using the 270, but I could with the 240. The plan is to, every 120 days, to check up on how the referrals are doing, see if it's plausible to get more, and then perhaps to buy another set of referrals.

Why will this work?
Gain is greater than cost.

4 * 120 = 480; $4.80. (Assumed gain of clicking every day)
3.69 + .66 = 4.35; $4.35 (Cost of renting new referrals)

Depending on how well the referrals click, I may or may not get many sets. I'm assuming that there won't be a lot of clicking, and I plan to find about where the drop-off is (and if, perhaps, it's computer-generated, and if that means it's engineered to be impossible, and if that means you have to get golden, and whether that means it's a scam or that you "have to put in something to get something out").

So, assuming for not that many new sets:
$4.80 - $3.69 = $1.11. Recycling costs $0.07. $1.11 / $0.07 = 15.857, or 15. That's per 120 days, because that's the refresh rate. So: 15 per 120 days, or 1 per 8 days. So: using this method, you can recycle once per 8 days and have money to make the system go.

I'm also using the paper-and-pen method to record things down. I don't know why, but it just works better for me than the Excel system. The reason I switched is that I accidentally deleted the Excel (trying to use google docs in combination with my hard-drive, making for a transition that... yeah)... and, I'm just really tired of using it. I like to turn pages, too. I just prefer it right now... bug off...

This system should be usable by anyone who wants to investigate the NeoBux PTC.